Here at Ellacott Morris, we love it when HMRC make things easier! Their recent introduction of a new function that enables businesses to pay PAYE tax by direct debit has done just that.
Rather than the previous system of receiving a bill and having to make a payment, employers can now opt to pay their monthly tax and national insurance (NI) payments by direct debit. Payments will be automatically collected from the employer’s account, removing the possibility of late payment mistakes that could result in fines or penalties.
We’re very pro this change and are sure that many of our clients will be too. When you’re busy running a business it’s easy for things to get overlooked – this new facility removes this risk of ever forgetting to settle a bill.
To change over to this way of paying your PAYE tax you will need to login to your Government Gateway. This isn’t something that we can do on your behalf, but we can offer any assistance or advice if required.
Being able to initiate this change is another example of why it’s so important to have your own Government Gateway account. This is something we covered in a recent blog article – take a look and find out why we recommend this to all our clients… www.ellacottmorris.co.uk/ellacott-morris-blog/why-you-must-have-your-own-government-gateway-account/
Whilst setting up this new way of making payment may take a few moments of your time, the long-term time and potential cost savings make it a worthwhile task to complete asap. Should you need any support, we’re always here to help! Simply call your Account Manager or drop us an email at info@ellacottmorris.co.uk and one of the team will respond.