Ellacott Morris Blog

How Much Does an Accountant Charge?

Sunday, February 18, 2024

How Much Should I Pay for an Accountant?

Hiring an accountant in the UK can be a critical decision for businesses of all sizes. However, the cost of hiring an accountant can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your financial situation, the size of your business, and the specific services you require. In this blog post, we will provide some general guidelines to help you understand the cost of hiring an accountant in the UK and what to consider when choosing an accounting firm.

Hourly Rates:

Accountants often charge hourly rates ranging from £75 to £250 per hour or even more for specialised services. However, the hourly rate can vary based on the accounting firm's experience level, expertise, and location.

Fixed Fees:

Some accountants offer fixed fees for specific services or packages, which can provide more predictability for your budget. This approach is typical for bookkeeping services, payroll, and tax returns.

Type of Services:

The more services you require, the higher the cost. Essential bookkeeping services will be less expensive than complex tax planning or audit representation. Therefore, knowing what services you need and which ones you can do without is essential.

Experience and Expertise:

Highly experienced and specialised accountants may charge higher fees. However, their expertise can be valuable in navigating complex financial matters. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the accounting firm's level of experience and expertise.


Accountant fees vary based on location. In larger cities, where the cost of living is higher, you might expect higher fees. It is essential to consider the location of the accounting firm and how it may affect the fees.

Size of the Accounting Firm:

Larger accounting firms with a broader range of services may charge higher fees than smaller firms or individual practitioners. However, larger accounting firms may provide more in-depth expertise and more extensive services.

So How Much Will It Cost?

At Ellacott Morris, we believe in clear and transparent pricing. We use an innovative pricing engine called GoProposal, which is designed specifically for accountants. Using it ensures we price consistently by working with a comprehensive list of services and options, which drives calculations. It means you know exactly what you’re paying for. There are no discrepancies, confusion, total clarity, and complete transparency. Every service is itemised for you to add or remove as you wish. It also means we can get documents across for digital signature seconds after you’ve seen the proposal, meaning we can get through the admin swiftly to begin delivering value.

Our pricing principles ensure you only pay for what you need. We will never encourage you to take on something unnecessary, but we’ll advise you if we think you would enormously benefit from a service. Some services are linked to the performance of your business, ensuring we remain nimble in our pricing, whether we are working with a brand-new incorporation or an established business.

Invoicing is straightforward with us. We’ll establish a direct debit and invoice you monthly, spreading the cost. We also review certain services monthly, quarterly, and annually to ensure we align with your business's needs.

In conclusion, when choosing an accounting firm, it is essential to consider the pricing structure, the level of experience and expertise, and the range of services offered. The whole team at Ellacott Morris believes in clear and transparent pricing, and we work with you to ensure your quote has been designed just for you. We provide monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews to ensure we remain aligned with your business's needs, and we establish a direct debit for invoicing, making the process straightforward and hassle-free. Please contact us today to learn more about our services and pricing structure.

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