Ellacott Morris Blog

How do I change my Accounting Software?

Thursday, May 9, 2024

How do I change my Accounting Software?

If you’re looking to change the accounting software your business uses, or you’re looking to change accountant, and your preferred company uses a different system to you, then how do you make the switch?

Thankfully, it’s not as daunting as it seems! Here’s our advice on how to make the change to a new software system swiftly and successfully…

Firstly, let’s put it out there that here at Ellacott Morris we only use Xero cloud accounting software. We did our research and took time to find what we believe to be the best system to support SMEs. We are a 100% digital only accountancy practice, having transitioned many of our clients from other systems or from paper-based accounting. With over 500+ businesses of all shapes and sizes in our client portfolio, we’re yet to hear of anyone who doesn’t appreciate the efficiency and sheer brilliance of Xero.

But what if you’re currently using Sage, QuickBooks, FreeAgent or any other software system to help you manage your business finances? How and when do you make the move?

Whilst it’s helpful, to keep things neat and tidy, to transition to a new system at the start of a new tax year, this isn’t essential. If you want to make the move, we’re here to help whatever month we’re in.

At Ellacott Morris we use a nifty piece of conversion software called Movemybooks, which is capable of moving all your accounting data across into Xero, from most commonly used accounting systems.

Your Xero subscription covers the cost of Movemybooks for the current accounting year to date, plus all of the previous year. For each additional previous year that you’d like to retain data for there is a cost of £75 + VAT payable to Movemybooks.

The process is simple – most people are comfortable overseeing the transition from their software to Xero using Movemybooks, but we’re always happy to assist if required. We’ve carried out this function for lots of clients over the years and are here if you need a helping hand. Sometimes, depending on your business type and history, it can be beneficial to let us manage the conversion and overcome some of the hurdles we’re used to coming up against.

There are some accounting software packages that aren’t supported by Movemybooks and in those instances we would need to carry out a manual conversion. Whilst this can be more time consuming, it’s still a very straightforward and manageable process, so don’ let a manual conversion put you off making the change to a better system.

As with any sort of move, a good clear out prior to your move date is highly recommended. If you’re moving house, you might hire a skip. When you’re moving accounting software, we recommend a similar sort of cleanse. Spend some time clicking around your current system and see what’s been saved that’s no longer needed.

As professional accountants we love Xero, and we enjoy seeing our clients benefit from its many user-friendly functions and time-saving features. For anyone new to Xero cloud accounting software we’re able to provide informative (some might say invaluable) training to get you up to speed. We offer half day and full day training options for everyone involved in your business’s accounts. We receive incredibly enthusiastic feedback after many of our training sessions, having opened the eyes of business owners to more efficient financial processes and a better understanding of their company’s numbers.

Seriously – when it comes to Xero – there’s nothing not to love. Get in touch with Ellacott Morris today and find out why you should make the switch…


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